"Just Remembers" for Celebrating

"Just Remembers" from Low Carb Luxury:

This is not a "diet" in the traditional sense. It's a way of life, and the food choices you make every day for the rest of your life should be healthy smart ones that promote your lower carbohydrate lifestyle and the new-found health you enjoy.

A day of high-carbing means three to four days to get back into ketosis (if you are doing the ketogenic version of low carb.) It also means as much as a 5-pound weight gain from a single day's indulgence. Are you sure that mound of mashed potatoes are worth it?

It will be much harder than you are telling yourself to get back on the diet the day after [insert holiday here]. You'll realize you have all those great "leftovers" and you can't let them go to waste. Before you know it, [insert celebration here] will be nearly here, and the holiday sugary treats will be coming at you left and right. You'll have no defense at all if your reserves are down from a [holiday] slide. Most of us take a "why bother?" approach at that point, opting to wait till the holidays are over to get back to dieting. Many of us lose all the success we've achieved to this holiday mentality.

Returning to high-carb eating means our immuno response becomes much weaker, at a time when holiday stress already has our reserves down. Add to that the extra opportunities to be around those with colds or other viruses at get-togethers and parties, and you really raise your odds of becoming ill.


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